Artists Registry

Barry Morgan

Brookings OR United States

    Statement of Work

    "Never Forget" is a song that was written as a tribute to those who lost their lives in 9/11, and a tribute to those who honor that memory every day. The piece originally started out as a piano piece written by John Wilkie and Barry Morgan, with the piano part played by Barry. A young lady, Holly Prothman, was moved so much by the piece, that she wrote lyrics and sang on the song. The result is a haunting, beautiful song that describes the feelings of loss and remembrance.


    The Techknomes are two men who discovered a common love for music while on line. They are John Wilkie and Barry Morgan. Both have been involved in writing, performing, and recording music for a combined total of over 70 years. This love of music and the ability to express their emotions through this media gave them the idea to write a tribute piece to those who lost their lives in 9/11 and to those who remember those losses everyday.

    John is married and lives in Michigan. He is a member of SAG and has appeared in many television programs and movies over the past 20 years. He is also a wonderful musician, talented songwriter, and accomplished producer.

    Barry is married and lives in Oregon. He has spent virtually his entire life writing and performing music. He has over 300 songs in his catalog and he and John have co-written approximately 50 pieces since forming the Techknomes.

    Their relationship is a testament to the wonders of the Internet. While being the best of friends, business partners, and collaborators, they have never met in person. All of their work is done through the Internet making use of the technology that exists today. Holly Prothman participated with "Never Forget" via the Internet as well.