Artists Registry

Pamela Stafford

New York NY United States

    Statement of Work

    In painting this work shortly after the 911 attack, I felt that we all needed to rekindle
    the logs of hope, bring light where there is darkness and an image that signals this.

    There is a continuous thread in a stream of consciousness with the indelible words,
    CHANGE AND NEW HOPE, which were the beacons of this work of art, the essence of it's being.

    2009 WE CAN DREAM AGAIN, the American dream, with the blessing of New Hope;
    "YES WE CAN."


    Born in Virginia, Pamela Stafford has won numerous awards & scholarships for her work including 1st Place in the Florida Arts Society, the Austin Abbey Foundation Mural Award, and honors from the Cork Gallery, Andre Wang Arts School, and the National Academy School and Museum. She began designing and painting in high school and went on to New York to continue a successful design career under her own label, STAFFORD OF NEW YORK.

    Pamela realized that she needed to return to art and began drawing, sculpting and painting from morning till night at the Art Student's League and the National Academy. Pamela was asked in 1999 to create an instructional video on portraiture, entitled "How to Paint the Portrait", and went on to paint at the Ecole des Baux Arts in Paris as well as studying Byzantine icons at the Centre d'Etude Russes Saint-George (Center for Russian Icons) in Maudon, France, She now holds a three-year certificate at the National Academy New York.

    Since 2001, Pamela has worked as a private portraiture & Landscape instructor and has continued to offer commissioned portraiture and restoration.