Artists Registry

Susan Vasquez

Bronx NY United States

    Statement of Work

    I developed Posttraumatic Stress Disorder from the direct trauma exposure on Sept. 11 2001. I was recieving exposure therapy which helped me remember a lot that I forgot. I knew that I saw a lot but didn't realized how much I actually saw. I was also getting art therapy I was being couraged by my therapist to use it to express myself how I felt on my experience of it. Whenever I get my "moods" I put it on paper. I use to do other art work like potraits and landscapes but it feels like my PTSD took control over it. I can't seem to go back to the way I use to do.
    I am not the same person I use to be.I am still recieving treatment because it feels like it will always be inside in my brain. It feels like a struggle I want to feel normal but it's always there letting me know. I still get the dreams and the unwanted memories.