Artists Registry

Sheri Morreale

Ogden UT United States

    Statement of Work

    I was at the Fire Station on Sept 11, 2001. I was saddened by what had happened. I will never forget my brothers that died that day nor will I forget the people who lost their lives.
    About a month or so later Symbol Arts released silver bracelets with all of the FF's names and rank on them. I decided to show my love for my lost brothers by doing a Memorial Shadow Box. The guys on the Dept teased me to no end. They about died when they found out how much I spent on the box.
    Thanks needs to be given to the FDNY Union for helping me make sure that all of the names were spelled correctly and that any promotion that was done after the fact was correct.
    Rich King who is a FF in Ogden,Utah did a picture for me to include in the shadow box. Before making its home at the Fire Museum in Grantsville,Utah it spent time at several of the Fire Stations here in Utah. Riverdale Fire had it first. Next South Ogden,then Salt Lake city. One other small Dept had it before it finally found a temporary home in the museum.
    The United States of America lost a lot of very Brave and Dedicated FF's that day. We as a nation lost a lot of our fellow country men and women.
    We will NEVER FORGET the many lives that were taken and those that were changed on that day.
    Sheri L. Morreale FF EMT I