Artists Registry

Kenneth Nelson

Brooklyn NY United States

    Statement of Work

    In all my time living in New York City, I could depend on the Twin Towers to let me know where I'm at when I got disoriented. They were my compass. As long as you knew the difference between the buildings, you could easily understand where you were in relation to lower Manhattan.

    I later began wondering if it was as easy to see the spot I got lost at when atop The Towers. North, South, East and West are metaphors for that compass.


    I began learning the art of photography at a local after-school program. My Teacher/Mentor informally taught the class using his own money and materials.
    Attending the High School of Art & Design deepened my photographic interests. Shortly after graduation, I got my first photographic job—selling cameras.
    I'm a graduate of Pratt Institute’s undergraduate fine art program where I received my degree, and broad insight into the photographic world. These experiences solidified my aspiration to be in that world.

    Solo Exhibitions
    “Harlem Nocturnal”
    En Foco Touring Gallery
    Bronx Library Center/NYPL June-August 2010
    Bronx, NY

    Gallery at Adam C. Powell, Jr.
    State Office Building April 2006
    New York, NY

    Group Exhibitions
    BWAC/Van der Plas Gallery, Brooklyn Show April - June 2006
    BWAC, Fall Art Show September 2005
    BWAC, 25th Anniversary Spring Art Show May 2005
    BWAC, Solo Works Show November 2003
    Amber Gallery, “9/11 Remembrance” September 2003

    "Harlem: A Century in Images"
    Studio Museum in Harlem/Skira Rizzoli

    “Red Hook”
    Nowy Zdennik (Newspaper), 2003

    Pratt Institute – BFA w/Honors, Photography

    Brooklyn Waterfront Artist Coalition
    NAACP/ACT-SO Program, Photography Judge