Artists Registry

Marion McGrath

Cranston RI United States

    Statement of Work

    In the days and months following the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center, artist Marion McGrath witnessed the "faces of courage" among uniformed rescue workers, law enforcement personnel and firefighters. She was so moved by the events that took placer on 9/11, especially the image of Mychal Judge's body being carried from Ground Zero, that she spent three months creating "Faces of Courage", an oil painting based on Shannon Stapleton's photograph of the deceased friar. The renaissance-style painting she created also incorporates the images of the collapsed World Trade Center and Mychal standing on the shore off of Long Island during the TWA Flight 800 Memorial Service.

    "When I painted this piece I wanted to dedicate it to all priests, members of law enforcement and firefighters because the men carrying Father Judge are truly representative of that," said Mrs. McGrath, who has two sons who are policemen. "This painting represents a lot of things, my spirituality, my feelings about the country and the recognition of everyday heroes."


    Marion McGrath, a resident of Cranston, R.I., is semi-retired and spends the winter months in Ft. Myers, Florida. She began her art training in 1999 while participating in a three-month workshop at Artsmart in Cape Coral. It was during those three months she immersed herself in the Renaissance-style of painting that originated in Italy during the 15th century. Some of Mrs. McGrath's projects include a portrait of her husband and a reproduction of Miss Juliana Willoughby as painted by George Romney, a British artist known for creating 9,000 portraits over a 20-year period.

    In addition to those works, Mrs. McGrath is especially proud of her recent painting because it incorporates a number or subjects that are close to her heart, including police officers, firemen and clergy.

    Her "Faces of Courage" oil painting, depicting the removal of Father Mychal Judge's body from ground zero, has received wide acclaim.