Artists Registry

Carolina Galitskaya-Hentschel

Kenosha WI United States

    Statement of Work

    In this painting one can see the devastation not only of the World Trade Center, but also the devastation of the people’s lives.

    This painting does not only show the effects that 9/11 had on America, but also how it shook up the whole world. There are two towers of World Trade Center in the moment when second airplane hit the North Tower. On the right side from the towers there is film where one can see cadre by cadre how it happened. On the right from the film there is a Statue of Liberty and the four National Heroes of America who prevented the fourth action of terrorists on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. On the bottom of this film there is Patriarch of Russia Aleksey II who is doing the civil funeral repast for memory of victims on September 11th.

    On the lower left side there is President Bush, in civilian clothes, symbolized how even through he is the President of the United States, he is still like any American. He is also struck with pain and sorrow about the loss of lives. He is talking with fireman and holding the American flag.

    The painting also captures the unity and togetherness that this even created. People who did not even know the victims were still crying for them and putting out flowers and lighting for the victims, like as if it were their own family.

    A pregnant mother is seen witnessing the agony and pain of the attacks. When her child is born she will tell her child about 9/11. 9/11 will not just affect today’s generations, but for the generations after.

    The heroic of the policemen and firemen are seen in this picture. Their devotion and passion to save others is captured in this picture. Policemen are represented as infallible. They are human beings, not super heroes. They bleed just like us, and hurt just like us.

    In the center of the picture there is an eye of terrorist, symbolizing evil and this tragedy. There is the weeping, who is full of grief, mother of the terrorist. Like any other mother she still feels pain about the loss of her son.

    To the left of the terrorist is a little girl standing along. Her parents are not there. She is the symbol of the children who lost their parents. They are along now. She has silence question in her eyes: “Why?”

    The event not only shook the world, but it also shook Heaven. In the upper right an angel came from Heaven to pray for all of those who were affected by 9/11.


    Anatoly Ignatovich Galitskiy
    Architect, photographer, artist

    Born: 03/10/1935 county Peredreika, Byelorussia

    Education: Moscow Architectural Institute, 1961-1966

    Hobby: Photographer, artist, writer

    Job: Architect of Mari-Project Institute 1966-1975
    Heard of Architect of Mari-Project Institute 1975-2008

    Deed: Government prize MASSR in 1975
    Honored Deed of PVS MASSR in 1975
    Honored Builder MASSR in 1985
    Honored architect of Russian Federation in 1985

    Expositions: 1989, Public Art Gallery, Mari El, Russia
    1998, Public Art Gallery, Mari El, Russia
    2008, Public Art Gallery, Mari El, Russia