Artists Registry

Farshad Sanaee

birmingham west midlands United Kingdom


    Farshad was born in Persia.He movedto Austria where he lived as an Austian citizen and worked in Vienna for 18 years before moving to the UK.
    Farshed began painting using traditional Persian style from the age of 10 and continued to develop and evolve towards a more modenistic outlook.Throughout his teenage years as time progressed he learnt to engrave his desgns onto brass and copper and also to experiment with translucent paints.The works example 'Holy Bush' is produced with acrylic and phosphorus.
    Farshad has exhibited work at local art galleries.He also has a keen interest in composing music and playing the piano.
    Since arriving in the UK ,Farshad has played a major role in local enviroment regenerative display.,This took the form of Murals displayed in public for the benefit of the local community in Smethwick West Midlans.Farshad has also exhibited in London and Birminghams Victoria Museum,he is also a member of the United Society of Artists in the UK.