Artists Registry

Bernard Katzeff

Naples FL United States


    Bernard Katzeff was born in Brussels, Belgium, in 1937.

    In 1960 he graduated as Master Colorist from L’Oréal Laboratories where he worked on the development of new colors and shades in hair and cosmetics. A US citizen since 1974, he pursued a career in hairstyling and fashion in the United States where he has received numerous awards. Bernard Katzeff was Artistic Director at Saks Fifth Avenue for over 35 years.

    His paintings are a constant change of “forms”, a logical expression of visual and photographic impressions in his memory – a perception of harmony in colors and forms for the pleasure of the most perfected, but unforgivable, camera in the world : the human eye.

    Some of his works have been chosen to be exhibited at the Von Liebig Art Center, in Naples, Florida, by renowned artist Sam Gilliam of Washington, DC, and by Ned Rifkin, former Under Secretary for Art of the Smithsonian Institution and Chief Curator of the Hirshhorn Museum.

    Three of his paintings, titled "The Three Crosses of Ave Maria", are exhibited at the Canizaro Library and are part of the permanent collection of Ave Maria University.