Artists Registry

Maria Paz De Caso

Santiago Chile

    Statement of Work


    Who is Harrison?
    Harrison is a 46 years old ordinary man, married, a father, a painter, an artist. Very few know him and very few have seen him, but Harrison lives.

    He only appears when it is necessary, only when the passion takes over the soul of ALEX ROSSEL CORVALAN. Every time this man sits in front of a canvas, takes brushes and mixes the oil, Harrison appears and suddenly everything makes sense. The colors, scents, oil, varnishes, old pallets with tired paintbrushes let creation starts.

    This artist has many "children" with their own names and personalities. Before giving the first brushstroke, the name of each painting is already in Harrison's mind, as well as its identity, personality and authenticity that will be transmitted to the canvas.

    He started with hyperrealism 10 years ago and worked for more than 20 years on his greatest passion, "the human figure." Unfortunately, that is not enough for him anymore; his soul is not filled with what he considered his passion. Today, anybody is able to paint what may look like a photo. There are currently thousands of artists like him or better, that use this technique perfectly well. Nowadays, this self-taught Chilean artist wants to convey what others do not see or simply aren’t interested in seeing.

    I am creation, I'm Art, I Live, breathe, and exist thanks to the way oil, stone, wood or material that allows me to express my art and design. I am eternal because I will live in each of my creations. I invite you to come into my world and see it.