Artists Registry

Dennis McGeary

Wahiawa HI United States

    Statement of Work

    "HEART OF AMERICA" Created on September 12-13-14-15th, 2001

    My frustration about the tragedies turned into a painting. At first I did not plan to create art about the events, but I could not be unbound from emotion and concernment. The result is "Heart of America." The painting expresses my sentiments.

    Artist: Dennis McGeary
    Medium: acrylic on canvas
    Size: 36" x 24"



    The Painterly World of Symbolism and Abstraction

    "The beauty of Hawaii influences my art. The favorable climate, dramatic lighting, and the ocean are constant sources of inspiration. I create paintings that are visually active with atmosphere, movement and reverence to our spiritual and earthly world."

    Dennis McGeary has always had a passion for making art. Since childhood, art and music have been a way of life. As a young teen he began creating images on canvas that he still explores today. Education and experience have contributed to his skill as a painter. The artist has resided in Hawaii since 1984 and works at his central Oahu painting studio. Dennis McGeary maintains that his work is for the enjoyment of others, proof of this exists in the numerous collections of his work. Patrons from all over the United States and internationally cherish the work of this prolific painter.