Artists Registry

Robert McNabb

Tampa FL United States

    Statement of Work

    The sculpture is titled 8:47 9/11. It was created in 2006. It is made from steel and is finished in the natural color of steel. The sculpture represents a clock whose hands have stopped at the point when the first plane struck the World Trade Center Buildings on 9/11. The minute hand is a T and the hour hand spells rust. The two hands represent the collective trust that we felt prior to 9/11. The gears represent the turning of time. The teeth in the two gears have broken and the bottom gear has cracked due to the overwhelming stress of the tragedy. The gear teeth are shown lying on the base of the sculpture. I created the sculpture to capture the breaking of our trust as Americans and stopping of time as we formally knew it.


    Robert McNabb
    12102 Snead Place
    Tampa, FL 33624

    Web site:

    Date of Birth: 1954

    Married: Karen

    Occupation: Account Manager, Mission Critical Solutions, Tampa, Florida

    Creative Background:
    . I learned to weld and work with metal at the age of 14
    . I stated creating metal art in 2001 from bank safe deposit box doors
    . To date have I have created 30 unique pieces of metal art.
    . I work exclusively with metal and primarily with steel
    . I have only offered one sculpture for sale. "One Child" sold for $9750.00
    . I created 8:47 9/11 in 2006 to capture the loss of trust experienced by
    Americans, due to the tragedy of 9/11.