Artists Registry

Skye Van Saun

NJ United States

    Statement of Work

    On 9/11, it was my second week of college classes close enough to audibly hear the towers fall. The sights and sounds I witnessed that day are expressed in my poem, Field Report.

    My second poem, Out of Nowhere, came about soon after the attacks. I think it's common to want to go back to before a tragedy like this, especially because we feel like we'll never feel safe again. This was what life was like right up until...

    My photograph, Rowing Reflective, was taken the year before 9/11. From Liberty State Park in NJ, I was photographing the towers with the sun setting against them when a man in a rowboat suddenly appeared in the middle of the river. The juxtaposition of such a simple craft imposed by such a modern marvel of human craftsmanship and engineering, was fascinating to me.

    The towers were part of the landscape over my left shoulder every time I'd exit the tunnel on my way back to North Jersey. Even ten years after the attacks, when I look back, I blink and look again and still can't believe that those towers are gone. The only image my mind can keep is the one in the photograph. Those towers glistening in the sun and a man in his rowboat take me back to simpler times, before images impossible to grasp filled the landscape.


    For more information, please email me: