Artists Registry

Glenn Grubbs

Phoenix AZ United States

    Statement of Work

    My work as an architect has informed my ongoing work as an artist. Architecture, as a significant art form intensive in its use of resources, demands a rigor and discipline of collective effort to be properly planned and implemented. My work as an artist focuses on a path of individual effort and is centered around three primary concerns: ideation, process and materiality. In the words of Gauguin,

    “Do not paint too much after nature. Art is an abstraction. Extract it from nature while dreaming in front of it and think more of the creation which will be the result.”

    Each compositional idea that I explore through various materials expands a growing understanding of inherent possibilities that might be contained in future compositions. The evolving nature of this vision and heuristic use of many types of media should not be confused with lacking focus; as I’ve been quoted in the past, 'I’m not portraying the world, I’m creating one.’


    Glenn Grubbs is a contemporary artist and architect. Originally from Washington, DC, he currently works out of Phoenix, Arizona. He holds Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Masters of Architecture degrees from Arizona State University. He also studied painting at Radford University.

    Glenn is a practicing architect, nationally certified in the U.S., and has designed a number of buildings in the Phoenix metro area. His most recent exhibit of paintings and drawings was held at the Urban Abode Gallery in downtown Phoenix in Fall, 2009.