Artists Registry



    Statement of Work

    Here is a graphic representation of the sept 11 atrocious tragedy, based on broken phrases, words, screams of suffering and cries for help that presumably resounded inside the towers that day, before and during the dramatic sequence of terror and death. Although I studied carefully the details of the event and tried to be as descriptive as possible in crashed half-phrases and characters, no word that compose the representation is taken by any media or report that I've read or heard about, respecting the victims and their relatives. If any such similarity could be detected, it would only be for coincidence and because they were the kind of words, that I believe, anyone of us would have said in a situation like that. They were phrases of a normal working day at first and after the explosions became the words relevant to all the desperate situations developing. The words of the people who suffered and died,"become" the shape of the towers, until they explode and collapse fading into debris and smoke. These words were the reality and the essence of the tragedy. The words were the lives lost, not the place, not the buildings, not the time or the date of the year. The words were all. A tragedy universal to be remembered like one of the most emblematic among all the needless and cruel tragedies in history.


    Writer, Philosopher, Art Director,Painter, Sculptor