Artists Registry

Mara Buck

ME United States

    Statement of Work


    Artist’s statement…

    I was fortunate. I lost no friends or family in the carnage of the Trade Center. That day in the woods of Maine the sudden horror from the television drowned out the peace of birdsong and stole the blue of the sky while I screamed along with the sirens. I craved action as a reaction. I am an artist and my desktop is huge and I grabbed the biggest paper I could find and with both hands made pastel sweeps faster and faster as the buildings fell until the chalk dust flew and I grabbed another piece of paper. It was autonomic drawing as if my arms were outside my own control. It was a pitiful effort. I couldn’t save anyone. I couldn’t prop up the buildings. It was all I could do.
    I do not pray, I do not sing, I do not save, I do no console --- I make art. I make poetry. This is my first video. It is all I do.
    I love New York with a passion that surprises and sustains me. I have lived there before. Perhaps I will again someday. In the meantime, this is all I can do.



    Brief Biographical Notes…

    Born in Maine and began painting at an early age, exhibiting frequently. Was granted a full scholarship as a New York University Scholar, majored in Art History. Won a full scholarship to Art Students League, studying anatomy, painting, etching. Wrote art criticism for Manhattan weekly newspaper “The Villager.” Taught art for VISTA. Founded mail-order rare art book business. Administered foreign rights at Random House while exhibiting within the New York area. Spent two years living and painting in Yucatan Mexico and was awarded a unique one-artist showing by the Government in the governor’s palace with media coverage. (These same paintings were later shown in a one-artist exhibit at the University of Maine.) Was chosen to exhibit unique series of Maine paintings at the Maine Festival and the Maine Biennial. Won an extensive commission to paint four 16-foot murals under the Maine Percent for Art Grant. Most recent art project is A YEAR IN OBLIVION, a series of 365 works of art mounted on 52 actual doors to be installed as a spiral maze, awaiting funding.
    Author of a still-unpublished novel HIGHWAY TO OBLIVION and numerous short stories and poems. Work most recently included in the just-published anthology “Vwa: Poems For Haiti” available at Amazon, all proceeds to benefit Haitian charities.
    Other art and writings can be seen on: