Artists Registry

Nadia Utto Landmark Arts, Inc.

Hobe Sound FL United States

    Statement of Work

    This is a working proposal for an intended World Fountain & 9-11 Memorial to be completed in 2012.
    It will be a public plaza on the front lawn of Fire Station #32 on US Highway 1, in Hobe Sound, Florida.
    Design elements include:
    1. A WTC artifact (Piece # G-0073) released from the NY/NJ Port Authority, at the triangle point.
    2. Three fountains to honor each of the geographic sites affected by the events of September 11, 2001.
    This water feature mirrors the multitude of symbolic facets associated with this life-giving element; as a fundamental tool of firemen, addresses the tears from that day’s sorrow, invokes ongoing remembrance with its continuity of flow, and refreshes our spirits with its elegant representation of hope springing eternal.
    3. A terrazzo world map mosaic embedded with an actual stone received from each of the 192 sovereign nations on the planet.
    The Map's particular contiguous configuration is based on Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion Map and reminds us of how this was a global event which forever changed the way we view our inter-connectness.
    The inclusion of the actual stones creates a space where the entire world is truly represented in one place!


    The World Fountain & 9.11 Memorial project was initiated by local resident, Nadia Utto along with support from the Hobe Sound Chamber of Commerce.

    A new non-profit organization - Landmark Arts, Inc., has been formed as the umbrella organization to bring this project to fruition.

    Landmark Arts also oversees the Hobe Sound Murals Project, which aims to create a signature community offering - with the enhancement of an outdoor gallery of murals honoring our rich history, present quality and future promise.

    Nadia is a professional artist with a MFA-Sculpture degree from Washington University - St.Louis, MO.