Artists Registry

Geraldine "Jerry" Gantgen

Valley Springs CA United States

    Statement of Work

    April 10, 2010
    Jerry Gantgen’s World Trade Towers/Statue of Liberty Photograph
    Working Title: “Memories”
    1) What was the inspiration behind wanting to market this photograph?
    The primary interest is in sharing the photograph with others. The photo is history and it’s important to get it out there to help people remember not so much the disaster of 9-11, but the glory and symbolism of the towers and freedom. The image depicts the towers as though they are being guarded by Lady Liberty and her promise of freedom. It’s important to share it for reminding generations whom this event impacted, as well as pass its memory along to posterity.

    2) How does it make you feel, what sentiments do you hold toward it?
    It shares memories of the past, of what was gone…not like a funeral mourning loss, but a happy thing, helping others to remember the glory of the towers as a happy memory, of what was, the greatness of them and what they stood for, that being freedom.

    3) What is the story behind the photograph?
    The capturing of this photo was made possible by a serendipitous moment. During my trip to New York in 1982, I had taken a photo of the statue of liberty while riding on the ferry, and was on the deck taking in the New York City skyline when I overheard two men discussing an interesting photographic technique. One of the men was explaining that pushing the battery on the bottom of the camera would keep the film from advancing so that the next photo taken would create a double exposure on a single frame of the film, producing a unique effect. Hearing this, I then applied the technique and shot my next photo of the World Trade Towers. The special image created a collage-like tribute to memorable icons of American freedom and prosperity.

    4) What is your primary objective regarding this photograph?
    Primary objective is sharing the photograph with others, to have it available for the public to
    appreciate and enjoy. Ideal placement would be to have this photograph enlarged and displayed in the Trade Towers memorial/walk-through museum in New York City as part of a historic exhibit.

    5) What is your secondary objective regarding this photograph?
    Secondary objective in this initiative is to perhaps make some money while pursing the primary objective or through other channels of distribution.

    6) What obstacles do you anticipate in achieving these objectives?
    a) Identifying the most effect course(s) of action to achieve the objectives
    b) Lack of knowledge in knowing who to speak with regarding display of photo at NYC Trade Center walk-through museum or for amongst relevant souvenir vendors
    c) Budgetary restrictions for advertising, promotion, and prototype development for market testing
    d) Possible differences in the sentiments held by American citizens, NCY residents, and international tourists when shown images of the World Trade Towers which once stood.

    7) What are the photograph’s unique selling points?
    a) The juxtaposition of two well-known historical American icons makes for a memorable photograph that NYC residents and tourists might appreciate.
    b) The collage effect of the photograph cannot be easily achieved today by the average person without the knowledgeable use of a film camera or photo-manipulation software.
    It serves as a precious reminder of the Trade Towers which no longer exist.

    8) What are the competitive factors to consider?
    i) The questionable photographic quality of the image and lack of its original film negative
    ii) Contending with the competitive marketplace for historical photographic art featuring the Trade Towers
    iii) The ability of amateur and professional photographers alike to use photo-manipulation software to achieve a similar collage effect

    9) What’s the one thing someone should think about this product?
    The desired emotion this photograph should invoke is one of patriotic pride, love of liberty, and a reminder of not only the events of 9-11, but the majesty and glory of what the iconic symbols represent to America’s citizens and the principals of freedom across the globe.

    10) Who are the possible target audiences for this photograph?
    a) Target audiences for primary objective (exposure)
    i) Director of Trade Towers Memorial/NYC Chamber of Commerce
    ii) historical societies, associations, organizations
    iii) New York state government/municipal/public offices
    iv) Non-profits & charities based in NYC or those having a patriotic focus/mission
    v) Book/magazine publishers, historical authors and movie documentary producers
    b) Target audiences for secondary objective (resale/profit)
    i) Gift shop and souvenir business managers located in or around the Trade Center
    ii) Art or photograph gallery directors and/or patrons in NYC or nation-wide
    iii) Book/magazine publishers, historical authors and documentary movie producers
    iv) Online consumers of American patriotic or historically-themed goods/artwork
    v) Stock photography houses (usage licensing of image)

    11) What insights (research) do you already have regarding your product and its appeal?
    a) Positive feedback from those who have seen the image, a strong emotional, positive response that the photograph is “amazing” or “great” and could possibly be profit generating.
    b) I visited New York and the Trade Center location four years ago where I observed information and photographic imagery about the towers being displayed. I felt the photograph would be relevant in this context.

    12) What made you consider postcards as a means of distribution?
    They would be relatively inexpensive to produce and affordable for people to buy. People often purchase items that convey the emotional energy around the place where they are at, postcards offer a way to capture that memory in time. The price point of the postcards (if sold for resale) would be dependent upon its positioning amongst other similar products being sold. Exclusivity of distribution location for the image could potentially justify a higher price (but would likely need to be mentioned as a selling point to enhance the perceived value of the item).

    13) How much time are you realistically willing to dedicate toward achieving your objective(s)?
    About 8 hours per week. Expenditure of time is preferable to the expenditure of funds.

    14) What is the budget for this initiative?
    The available budget for marketing promotion/prototype development of the photograph is no more than $500 over the course of two months (about $250/month). The most cost effective marketing solutions possible are desired to keep expenditures to their barest minimums.
    My time is more available than funds, so the development of a system where my time involvement can be spent applying relatively simple guerilla marketing techniques or self-sufficient sales methodologies is preferable.

    15) What are your expectations regarding this project and the role you wish to play?
    I want to be fully involved in and informed about this project. An action plan/outline by any consultant hired to assist in this initiative along with a provided estimate are expected. Any consultative or business development assistance that enables me to execute or initiate steps myself and sustain ongoing efforts is desired. I like to interact with people and would be involved in the PR and promotion of my photograph in whatever shape , way, or form it is marketed. I would be making phone calls and follow-ups to sales efforts, campaigns, and any related promotional efforts. I need a clear, simple to follow plan that will allow me to perform most of the necessary tasks within my available 8 hours per week.


    Hi, In 1982 my husband & I visited New York City & the Statue of Liberty
    since my husband had not been there since 1968, when he arrived from Germany. He had become a naturalized citizen & was very proud to be an American. We took the water taxi out to the statue where I took a picture of her from the rear. When I was standing overlooking the New York City skyline I overheard some people talking about their cameras & that led me to believe I could get a double exposure & so this is what I got. My daughter & I visited New York recently & I remembered the photo. I call it memories. I would love to see it at the walking museum at the foot of the Trade Center sight. I believe it would be of interest to the visitors from all over the world. Thank you for even considering my photo & my pride.

    Sincerely Jerry Gantgen