Artists Registry

Susan Stiles

Westlake Village CA United States

    Statement of Work

    I did an art lesson with my students on Rene Magritte, the Surrealist Artist. We were inspired by his work, The False Mirror, to created an image of our own framed by the shape of an eye. When I went to NYC for the first time since 9/11 in December of 2009 and visited the site of the WTC, I was very moved and I wanted to create a personal tribute to the people we lost on 9/11. My painting shows the Brooklyn Bridge with NYC in the background; the memorial lights shine like golden beacons up into the night sky. A teardrop falls from the eye, reminding us that we shall never forget...


    I am a struggling artist and elementary art school teacher in Southern California. I studied Art History at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and then went on to get a Fashion Degree at a Design School in Germany(University of the Arts, Bremen). I realized after studying Fashion that my passion really lies in art, and I have been pursuing this dream ever since then. My students inspire me all the time with their wonder and awe of the amazing art we get to discover and make together. By teaching them, I have been inspired to excavate deeper into my own creativity.