Artists Registry

Monique Meyer charciarek

Mancieulles France


    My art and my Job are intimately linked (psychiatric nurse, family therapist).
    It is a way to release too strong emotions during tragic events (as September
    This intolerable attack prevented me to continue the normal course of my life
    and it took me the entire night from September 11thto 12thin order to express
    it on one, then two, then three paintings, which reflects the strength of the
    emotional shock.
    My painting is a business card; the truth of my work is in me, in my unconscious. We also have toadd an element of resonance in my topics’ choice related to my own story, my personality.

    My work is an extension of the rhythm of my inner life.
    Currently, a single work is not enough to say what is essential; it’s through series that my emotions’ expression emerges from the depths of my being.

    In my painting, I claim the right to go through with my own limits… I’m alone.

    I started painting in 1996. It was an outlet for my pain related to my profession of psychiatric nurse, a way not to absorb all the suffering of the mentally ill persons.

    Then, I chose to express in my work the emotions of my life as a wife, mother and grandmother.

    I’m only able to paint when my emotional being is in turmoil; this is the only time I can create.So I paint, I destroy, I restart, I destroy it again, I restart it again ... and so on, endlessly until my work satisfies me. Often, this time is very painful but then anintense moment of happiness comes over me.

    The artist, by his personal resonance, has to put his art toservethe society and contribute to its expression.

    That’s why the exhibition relies mainly on the many events of the years 2010 and 2011 as the North Africa’s revolutions, the Japan’s earthquake, scandals,and without forget the attack of September 11, 2001 in New York on which I composed a triptych that appears on the website of the September 11’s Memorial.

    The Worldwide situation sometimes leads meto transcribe in my work an apocalyptic vision of the world. Moreover, it gave life to a great series of paintings on the theme of Armageddon.

    However, optimism will triumph with the jasmine’s feast, theJapan’s strength, Operation 'Siren', and the reconstruction of New York’s twin towers.

    My belief is that there is no change without crisis.

    My motto and my advice: never resign.

    Monique Meyer Charciarek