Artists Registry

Paul Johnson

Mohave Valley AZ United States


    I was born in Manhattan,( Mid City) New York City....a year before
    Pearl Harbor...both my parents were immigrants and met and married in
    Manhattan...I grew up in Manhattan...
    then Queens,N.Y. tru the 40's....going to PS 15 (St Albans)...then
    moving to New Jersey in "49...
    lived and went to school in Linden N.J....spending much time in NYC as
    relatives on both sides
    still lived in NYC....after graduating from college in South Jersey...I
    taught school then joined
    the Navy and was stationed in Southern 1963....after
    several trips to the Far East ...seeing
    action in Da Nang and Chu Lai, Viet Nam .....I came back to California
    to settle into civilian life in the late 60's...
    living in San Diego...San Francisco and Palm Springs...Now I live in
    Arizona... along the beautiful
    Colorado River....I also live part time in Rosarito, Beach
    Mexico..(love Mexico).......
    I am truly a West Coast American....having lived here 47 years...

    I like other Americans did not know personally or have a personal
    connection to a victim of that horrific attack....and can not know that
    pain that those family members and friends experience and will for the
    rest of their lives....
    but most Americans ...from all over this great country....will always
    remember 911 as an attack on our COUNTRY....and will NEVER
    get those images out of our minds..

    We all remember
    how New Yorkers
    felt after Pearl Harbor ......I remember watching with my Dad
    the great TV series "Victory At Sea" (about the war in the Pacific)
    .in the 1950's .... and how deeply he felt about that war and how he
    felt about the Pearl Harbor attack....both my parents were naturalized
    citizens before WW2....I visited the "Arizona Memorial" when in the
    Navy and years later as a tourist in Hawaii...I know what it
    do all Americans.

    New Yorkers felt the depth of that attack as much as those living in
    Hawaii.....and all through that war and still today the phrase
    "Remember Pearl Harbor" means a great deal.....New Yorkers were just
    as sensitive to that attack....

    Those now living in Hawaii..(or California--Arizona or Alaska to
    Oklahoma to Florida ) do not feel the agony of watching the vivid
    pictures of 911 any less than New Yorkers....I have many friends and
    relatives who tear up seeing that attack on AMERICA...

    I am attaching a photo I took from the deck of the QE2 on the way to
    England in 1978....we were taking my Mother to England to visit her
    and a nephew living in Wales......I framed and hung this photo in my
    house long before 911.....never realizing that it would render up such
    sad memories years later...

    I Have been a amateur photographer since my first Kodak Brownie Box camera
    I got as a pre-teen.....I have taken thousands of photos....many like Twin Towers
    as slides....which I am slowly in process of making passion is
    landscapes and architecture.... photos taken from all over the U.S. and the world...
    including the Far East and Viet Nam while in the Navy.....but not one single
    photo I have ever taken brings up the emotions and meaning as the TWIN TOWERS....taken
    on a Family Vacation....