Artists Registry

Linda Stumpf

Tega Cay SC United States

    Statement of Work

    Artist paints way through tragedy.

    After the events of Septemeber 11, many people worked through their emotions in many ways. Linda Stumpf of Tega Cay, South Carolina picked up her paintbrush and began putting her emotions on canvas.

    As days passed, I watched on television as firefighters struggled to put up an American Flag amidst the rubble. Their actions touched me and I began painting immediately.

    I thought mostly of the patriotism of the firefighters as they placed the flag into a pole at Ground Zero. "I had a rush of patroitism, too, and I prayed "Help me to paint this, guide my hands."

    As I painted, faces appeared in the smoke. "People who have seen these paintings remark that the faces seem to change the more the people look at the paintings."

    "American Heroes" is the name I gave the first painting.

    A few days later, I wanted to go to New York to help, but only rescue workers were allowed at Ground Zero. The second painting "Americans United" showing the flag rising and the firefighters gathered around with arms around each was my way of expressing the love and support that Americans demonstrated during "911".

    I wanted to use my talents to help the victims' families. But so many people wanted the paintings that my husband and I decided to make posters of the paintings. Many of the posters have been given to firefighters and other people so they may experience the emotional connection I created.

    I have been painting for over 35 years. I would like to donate the original 911 paintings to display at the completion of the "911" Memorial.