Artists Registry

Bianca Mitchell

Brevard NC United States

    Statement of Work

    Following the events of September 11th I felt compelled to pay tribute to the victims and try and make some sense of the huge range of emotions I was feeling. I decided to create a mixed media piece showing the towers returning to the earth. Mother Earth has a way of healing, given enough time. I hope this piece shows a sense of our nation rising out of our collective rubble of despair.

    I was a student at Brevard College when I first learned of the September 11th attacks. I was waiting for my art history class to begin when our solemn art professor, Anne Chapin, walked in and told us we were "at war". I left the classroom and went to my dorm room to watch the coverage on TV. I was watching live when the second plane hit and I screamed, I had no choice, it was the only response I could have had to that horrible image. I then began to sob. My suite mate came to investigate and we spent the remainder of the day watching the coverage on TV. We told each other stories about our trips to NYC and how thrilling it was to stand on top of the World Trade Center. Eventually I walked across campus to eat when it was close to 9:00 PM and I could hear the sound of military helicopters circling overhead. The entire campus was so quiet it was incredibly eerie. Years later I met the father of one the passengers on Flight 93 and was honored to help him write an invitation to a garden dedication for his daughter. I was changed on that day. I carry with me a strong feeling of devotion for my country and a profound sense of loss.