Artists Registry


Lakewood CO United States

    Statement of Work

    SEPTEMBER 10th 2001

    The Evening Prior to this catastrophe was like any other, the bustle of life and death, fortune and bankruptcy, happiness and sorrow to the residents and visitors of Planet Earth’s greatest and energetic metropolis, all encircled their mortal energies around the World’s Greatest Symbol of Financial Power and Military Might. The first military attack since Pearl Harbor, has sparked a new military conflict against the threat of pure and unallocated evil of the likes of Al Queida, and its devilish network of splinter terrorist organizations, which will mark this century’s beginning in world history.

    The auras of destiny had already begun to anticipate and infuse their invisible myriad of spiritual luminosities around a Power Symbol of Glass and Steel that barely lived passed its 30th Anniversary, ending Planet Earth’s first century of atomic power & bombs, an era of numerous wars, famines, and catastrophes, along with two World Wars. But; a century which sparked a technology boom, globalism, and an Eternal Hope that humankind’s destiny is urgently intertwined for its own Economic, Ecological, and Multi-national Political Survival. The Twin Towers gave us a very small glimpse of a future utopia, and the constructive spirit and creativity mankind genius possesses. The city never sleeps, above all New York City, the concrete & steel jungle shall always thrive and be the centrifuge of World Financial Power as America’s Golden Age continues to reign for centuries to come.

    Literary Commentary by the artist Robert M. Sorensen


    Fine artist, poet, novelist and actor Robert Sorensen draws upon an international background to create works of intensely creative themes in all genres. Born on the east coast, Sorensen has spent much time abroad, living for many years near Paris in Puteaux, France. Upon his return to the U.S. Robert settled in Colorado, where he continues to be inspired by the diverse nature, beauty and alpine skiing of the Rocky Mountain state.

    Painting studies at L’Académie des Beaux Arts de Chaville in France, allowed Robert’s natural talent to emerge and he began earning awards for his artwork, among them, prestigious honors from the French Government Art Competition, Dept. of Hauts-de-Seine, as well as Featured Artist and Editor’s Awards from various publications. Prior to his painting career, Robert, who holds a degree in Political Science, studied acting in New York at the Lee Strasberg Institute and toured with a professional theater group throughout the U.S. In 2008, AGE OF 23, a book of Sorensen’s collected literary works was published by Eloquent Books and includes 112 examples of poetic verse and free expression reflecting American and World Societies and the gamut of emotions of the human soul.

    Much of Sorensen’s work is inspired by dream imagery, and slices of his own life translated onto canvas, paper or the computer screen. His art is real and vibrant, unpredictable and surprising….a daring exploration into new and unknown visionary paths and dimensions.

    L’Académie des Beaux Arts de Chaville, France
    Gallery of Fine Arts, NJ, USA
    Salon d’Automne, Grand Palais de Paris, France
    La Chapéle de University de Sorbonne, Paris, France
    Abney Gallery, Soho, NYC
    Société Générale, Bank Headquarters, Paris, France
    Galerie des Nations, Brussels, Belgium
    Chamot Gallery, NY
    Will’s Art Warehouse, London, UK
    Dulaney Architecture & Gallery, Denver, CO
    Lakewood Artfest, Lakewood, CO
    Strada Dell’Arte, Denver, CO
    Core New Art Space, WOW Exhibit, Denver, CO
    MOCA, Fort Collins, CO
    La Galerie Artitude, Paris France