Artists Registry

Marianne Thorvaldsen

Sayville NY United States

    Statement of Work

    Marianne (MG) Thorvaldsen:

    As we crossed the Verrazano Bridge heading west on 9/13, experiencing the smoke filled city skyline and harbor scene of lower Manhatten, feeling the overwhelming loss at devastation that had just occurred battering our senses, we saw Liberty Island with Lady Liberty visible through the smokey haze. This vision of her still standing, her torch raised, gave us a beacon of hope to continue on. When Liberty Island reopened we made the trip to Ellis Island (where our family members are listed on the immigrant wall) and The Statue of Liberty to celebrate this hope for the future with renewed sense of purpose and appreciation of our American values.
    I painted Lady Liberty to embody that hope and share with all who view her. A small effort, to be sure, to guide us through our sorrows……..


    My Husband, Greg and I have lived in Sayville many years, working, raising our children and enjoying life along the Great South Bay. As a retired nurse, a homemaker, secretary and bookkeeper for my husband, I am enjoying my second act developing my artistic side through watercolor painting, classes and workshops. My paintings have appeared in Shows with the Wet Paints Studio Group, at the Phoenix Fine Arts Gallery in Bellport, the BAFFA Gallery in Sayville and at auctions for Splashes of Hope, the Bayard Cutting Arboretum and LI Oceans. I am a member of National League of American Pen Women, Suffolk County Chapter and continue to enjoy the artistic community of the Wet Paints Studio Group and the South Bay Artist Association.