Artists Registry

Rita Spina

Pittsboro NC United States

    Statement of Work

    People often ask, "What kind of artist are you?"
    I generally answer - ABSTRACT REALIST

    My work is almost always 3-dimentional and is comprised of materials that have been used previously - including - metal scrap, old wood, paper and organic materials themselves. I find most of the materials in scrap yards, walks in the woods, rural roads and often on my front deck as people who know my work pass "junque" along. In my previous career as a Psychologist, I put "people and ideas" together, and as an Artist now, I put "materials and ideas" together.

    Life cycles, the power of nature and her changes, the tension between natural form and emerging technologies, the renants of progress and the coexistence of variable are an endless table from which to choose my work...nothing ever remains the same. It is the materials or events that stimulate the origins of what I do.

    September 11th is still etched in my mind. INCREDULOUS!!! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN IN MY CITY !!! - where I was born...made friends...went to school...went to children's classes at Parsons School of Design...grew up at City Center performances, the museums,theatre,and had many wondrous experiences at Windows on the World watching the light came up all over the city...."IT IS STILL NOT REAL!"

    Like so many others, I could not tear myself away from the TV screen. Emotionally spent, seesawing between depression and anger, feeling everything I knew had changed, wondering whether I could ever be "whole again", I headed for my studio...poked around, cleaned up, reorganized...all typically "getting ready" for something to get the creative juices flowing.

    One of the six pieces of work that emanated from my internal chaos is the sculpture made of scrap metals from my "junque room". It is constructed of an old car radiator 2.5 feet tall by 1.5 wide, and 8 inches deep, mounted on
    molten metal on a wood base. The heavy vertical metal piece that pierces the radiator speaks of the assault on both buildings. Interestingly, as time has past, the silver of the original radiator has oxidized - with no treatment at all - to more closely resemble the original greenish cast of the color of the two towers.


    Rita K. Spina

    Born and raised in Manhattan. Attended Parsons School of Design childrens' classes; studied with private artist pre college

    Think of myself as having 3 careers in following order:
    . Family as wife and mother to 4 children
    . PhD, Clinical Psychologist (Hofstra University)
    . Artist

    Member of Chatham County(NC)Yearly Art Studio Tour (1998-present)
    Exhibition of art work in various venues:
    . Most recently - Wells Fargo Advisors, Durham, NC
    . Associated Artists of Winston-Salem, NC
    . 2 Sisters Gallery of Greensboro, NC
    . Depot Gallery Visitor Show, Red Lodge, Montana
    . Side Street Gallery, Pittsboro, NC
    . Chatham Arts Gallery, Pittsboro, NC
    . Meredith College Fine Arts Show, Raleigh, NC
    . 19,20,21st Annual Chapel Hill Botanical Shows, Chapel Hill,NC
    . Annual Orange County Women's Center Show, NC

    Commission Work - Community Church, Chapel Hill, NC
    Private Clients