Artists Registry

Richard Sherwood

Formello Italy


    Hello,my name is Richard J W Sherwood, of English Irish descent and have lived in Italy for many years. I am one of the founder owners of the 'Fiddlers Elbow ' Irish pubs here in Italy.I have played music since i was a young boy, starting in the local church ,singing as a choirboy,. My mother a classical pianist taught me many things.. and i have written songs and sung and played always.
    I have written hundreds of songs and composed much music over the years and toured in the USA and other countries, various times. In fact my love of American folk music, Bluegrass, Country,Gospel,country-Rock etc led me to still perform and write in the style i do. Many of the 'roots' of this music originated in Ireland and England and i try to amalgamate all these instruments from these countries into my songs.
    I have four published albums under the name of 'The Coda Band' 'Halfway to Heaven' , 'Medicine of love' , 'Remember Me' , 'Venetian Tale'. I have had the honour to of known,and be friends with many famous American Singer/Songwriters, The incredible 'John Prine', 'Guy and Susanna Clarke' , 'Del Mcourey' . 'Jason Carter'....and have recorded in Nashville and Florida various times.
    I was commissioned to write songs for the film director 'Gabriele Muccino' for his film 'Riccordati di me' (Remember Me) and also many other themes for pubblicity for TV and other events.
    However these particular two songs i have posted here were written specifically about the terrible event of 9/11....the whole world cried that i did as well...writing these songs
    R Sherwood