Artists Registry

Sarah Dunn

Keadby United Kingdom

    Statement of Work

    Statement of Work ("Apocalypse Nude")

    In 2001 I was at university in England studying for a degree in fine art. At the time I was particularly interested in the history of the nude and how it has been depicted over the years. I started to make paintings depicting the nude in a modern way. To begin with I was painting pin up girls in a pop art style and colorufull paintings of models from contemporary magazines.
    Then the twin towers came down, the world for me was changed forever, and so was my work. My paintings of pin ups and nudes seemed irrelevant to me now, who cares about paintings of naked ladies when this is going on in the world? I asked myself, what is in store for our future if the human race carries on in this direction? All I could think about was all of the bodies of the people trapped in the rubble beneath the wreckage.The tragedy and enormity of the situation affected me deeply, even though it had happened so far away from where I live.
