Artists Registry

Carolyn Perkins

Bedford TX United States

    Statement of Work

    I remember 9/11/01 like it was yesterday. Watching the horrifying tragedy unfold on television like so many others. In the days following I remember not being able to move from the television, completely paralyzed in fear that my life and every other American's life would never return to normal again.

    In October 2011 I felt myself having to dig deeper each day to battle this never ending feeling of sadness and fear and gradually I started to return to a place within myself that has always given me comfort and hope. This place is the world of music...

    I started reaching out to as many survivors of 9/11 that I could find online that would be willing to share their emotional stories with me and was so very blessed to have 20 people participate in my musical tribute I call "ONE." The actual voices of the survivors are entwined with my instrumental composition reminding us that we are all part of 9/11.

    "ONE" is dedicated to all of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and to the survivors who remind us that we can NEVER FORGET.