Artists Registry

Gregory Driscoll

Staten Island NY United States


    I am in my mid-60's, retired and a veteran of the conflict in Viet Nam. I enjoy writing poetry and fiction, and have set up a blog to share my writing with as much of the world as can find me in my little haven on the Internet. To see more of my writing you can go to O'Driscoll's Take on the World, located at:

    I was born and raised on Staten Island, the least populous of New York City's five boroughs. I live there still with my wife, Lan. We have three grown children, and three grandchildren.

    On 9/11/2001 I was at work in my office only blocks from the Twin Towers, the upper floors of which were visible from my office on the 14th floor. I saw the second plane hit the South Tower. That image is etched indelibly into my memory, along with the flames and smoke, the sounds of that fateful day.