Artists Registry

David Pasquarello

Kennebunk ME United States

    Statement of Work

    Towers was released before completion of Dave's second album, to coincide with the 5th anniversary of 9-11. The song is emotionally charged and rings with a poignant message of peace and praise for the true heroes of that fateful day. The world beat, gospel harmonies, gaelic drums and bagpipes create a mysterious and unique sound.
    *Words and music by Dave Pasquarello...copyright 2006...all rights reserved.
    *Piano and lead vocals by Dave Pasquarello.
    *Harmonies by Tom Acousti and The Portland Gospel Choir.
    *Bagpipes by Steve Lemieux.
    *Percussion by Abel Adame.
    *Produced, mixed and mastered by Tom Acousti.
    *Recorded at Starbird Studios, Portland, Maine 9-01 through 9-06-2006.
    *A share of proceeds from the sale of "Towers" will be donated to The Karen A. Martin Memorial Fund at the Danvers Savings Bank in Danvers, Massachusetts. "Karen was the Lead Flight Attendant on AA Flight#11 and she was my beloved friend".
    ***Lyrics: "They were goin' up when the Towers came down...Souls were risin' high when the day was done...The bravest of the brave came and gave, came and gave...They came and gave, not to kill, but to save...Pray for peace on earth...Amen."
    YouTube link is;


    Karen A. Martin was the Lead Flight Attendant on American Airlines Flight #11 and she was my beloved friend. She was the first American hero to perish on September 11. I started writing music, singing and playing the piano after 9-11. The first song that I wrote was “Karen”, a loving tribute to my friend. I completed my first album, comprised of 9 original songs, in 2003. “Towers” was released before completion of my second album, to coincide with the 5th anniversary of 9-11. The song is emotionally charged and rings with a poignant message of peace, hope and praise for the true heroes of that fateful day. I created the video to compliment the song and bring awareness to my humble attempt at paying tribute to all of our loved ones who perished on 9-11-2001. The YouTube video link is;
    The events of 9-11 changed my life, as they have changed the lives of so many. Karen loved kids and her memorial trust fund is dedicated to improving the lives of children all around New England. Inspired by Karen’s love for children, spirited soul, lively personality and incredible ability to make people smile, I decided to leave my business career and become a high school teacher and coach. Being more connected with my community and serving young people is my way of honoring the life of my friend. I also promised Karen that I would continue to write music, sing and play the piano!
    Currently, I am reaching out to children’s choirs, high school chorus groups, college choirs, church choirs, gospel choirs, community choirs, and symphony orchestras around the United States, in hopes that they will embrace my song “Towers” and include it as part of their repertoire of 10th anniversary 9-11 tribute songs. This is no easy task, since I am an unsigned-independent artist, but I am determined to get my message of peace, hope and remembrance out there to the general public. Karen would expect nothing less from me and I know that she’s smiling down from heaven as I’m writing these words.
    A share of proceeds from the sale of any of my songs has been and will continue to be donated to The Karen A. Martin Memorial Fund at the Danvers Savings Bank in Danvers, Massachusetts.
    Lyrics for Towers;
    "They were goin' up when the Towers came down.
    Souls were risin' high when the day was done.
    The bravest of the brave came and gave, came and gave.
    They came and gave, not to kill, but to save.
    Pray for peace on earth...Amen."