Artists Registry

Lenise Eddings

Wellsville KS United States

    Statement of Work

    “9-11 Terror of Hearts”, is a painting that took on a life of its own as I painted. My shock and horror manifested itself through the dark and ominous hues. I couldn’t wrap my brain around the heartlessness happening in my country. The thoughtless devastation to innocent lives, people of many faiths and backgrounds, attacked without warning or reason.

    As the truth began to unfold, my heart still felt mislead. My questions continued to formulate as I painted the masked Osama Bin Laden. The man whispering in the ear of Osama Bin Laden, the mask, the unknown face wearing the mask, all portrayed my doubts. I questioned if other influences, secrets and whisperings would become known; uncovered with time.

    The shed blood, propaganda, vividly pours from the hand of the masked Osama Bin Laden’s hand. The masked mindless souls below, each with birdlike mouths, open to receive the droplets. Masked terrorists hiding somewhere in my own country. Their fists held high in anger and brotherhood.

    Three planes are seen in the painting. Two planes are shown at impact with the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. A star of the American flag points to Flight 93 flying into the Pennsylvania field of burning trees and bloodied soil. Forty heroic Americans fought to regain control of their airplane from the hijackers, sacrificing their own lives and saving our nation’s capital.

    America’s strength is seen in the clouds. The dove of peace flies high and strong for the lives lost, magnified amidst the gloom.

    The crouched fireman, head in hands mourning, unable to save is depicted by the fire engine and death scene. This scene meant to honor the firemen that rushed into the towers, trying to save lives, while losing their own.

    In the sky rising in the smoke, faces of the thousands of souls passing into equal status. The comforting hand of God reaches to direct them upward. The hand of God, also seen as the face of the Almighty, touches New York and the Pentagon as darkness shadows Manhattan.

    The Pentagon is shadowed by the hands of anger and death wearing a crown of handcuffs. These handcuffs symbolize the religious bias we allow ourselves to be chained with. Through our faiths we are all linked, we are bound together by our belief in love, strengthened not separated.

    Behind Osama Bin Laden, we see the militaries might and our country’s resolve not to allow escape. An unknown face, his eye peering over Osama Bin Laden’s shoulder waits actively in secret. The razor sharp knife in hand, held toward the back of the leader of this atrocity. The U.S. will triumph. Though years may pass, we will hold the burden of the devastation onto the one responsible.
    The statue of Liberty, draped in peace, is my small plea amidst the devastation. The unmasked face above the elbow of Osama Bin Laden represents my own shock as I tried to understand.

    It has been reported; the idea spark resulting in the devastation of 9-11 came from a light conversation between Osama Bin Laden and a college friend, years prior.

    The painting, “9-11, Terror of Hearts” is meant to be a reminder. It also provokes thought of the consequences in even the smallest of comments or actions.

    I am Lenise Taylor Eddings, the artist of the acrylic, 16”x 24”, painting “9-11, Terror of Hearts”. The events of 9-11 were the catalyst for change in my life.


    I was born and raised in Emporia, Kansas. I learned to draw before I learned to write, spending hours making my own paper dolls and designing the latest fashions for them. I loved making caricatures of my sister and her boyfriends, writing stories to illustrate.

    At age 14, my family moved to the Kansas City area where I excelled in the arts throughout my educational years. Diverted by prospects of love, I married, raised two children and divorced before seriously returning to my love of the blank canvas and written word.

    September 11, 2001, became the catalyst of change as I picked up the brush to paint my feelings of unbelief. I watched and painted as the events of 9-11 unfolded. A feature article of my painting appeared in the Lawrence, Kansas Journal World and sparked the longing to make my art my life again.

    Volunteering has brought great rewards in many ways. The Kansas Library Association displayed my works during a teaching seminar. I have exhibited my works in different area settings including the Lawrence, KS, Art Center.

    Presently, I teach art to area children and have published my first children’s book “I Seek and Find”. It is the first in a series of books that encourage young aspiring artists to think and see from an artistic point of view.My portrait work has been commissioned from patrons throughout the country. I look forward to more new and rewarding projects in the future.