Artists Registry

Daya Doolin

Deltona FL United States

    Statement of Work

    You will learn to focus on what you want and not what you don’t want in your life!

    We begin by knowing that we must realize what we focus our energy on is what manifests for us. What we focus on with fear, our subconscious mind matches that fear vibration for us because we have put our energy, feeling, belief and intention behind it and subconscious mind desires only to focus on manifesting that “thing” we are engaged in thinking upon so strongly.

    If we focus on what we do want and dismiss what we do not want, subconscious mind focuses on matching that thought vibration (frequency) with the same amount of dedication and energy to bring to us that which we believe is possible. Obama is a great example of what I’m speaking about. He didn’t allow anyone to make him think in any way accept fulfilling his destiny, his goal, his plan. Subconscious mind answered him back with the energy of proving to him that he was right about being the President of the United States. If you want to be disgraced, then you must do something disgraceful in order to render that manifestation to yourself through the help of our genie, our subconscious mind. It does not judge your thoughts as good or bad, or unworthy. It honors back to us in matching vibration, that which we believe strongly about whether erroneous or not.

    If you are out of work, then being in work is what you might want to start holding as the truth for yourself. Telling everyone you are out of work, compounds the belief that you are and subconscious mind will work with you to continue making that a truth for you, even though you say you want to work. Your vibrations are strongly one of being out of work, staying out of work so long as you continue voicing that “truth” which is an untruth. As soon as you begin saying I am in the process of getting a job, then around the corner is a friend of a friend who is hiring your particular qualifications and you find if you had only had belief in the other direction, you might have been working sooner.

    Statements like these can help you:

    “My vision of a trim and fit body is now in the process of becoming a reality;

    My Health is better than ever;

    I am succeeding in areas of my life where I never succeeded before;

    I am on “autopilot”; my body is tireless, filled with energy and power.


    The music of Chris and Daya Devi- Doolin aka Level Seven transforms and reaches out with energy and harmony. Building on a rhythmical mellow base of syncopative acoustic guitars and brilliant vocals, the Doolin’s, aka Level Seven, soar to glorious heights with their ethereal inspiring sound. Award winning singer-songwriters Chris and Daya Devi-Doolin custom blend their sound into the musical American soft rock worlds of adult contemporary, inspirational pop, and acoustic music... but don't categorize them, their music transcends traditional labeling. Their music is rich in percussive expressiveness and layered harmony. It has roots in the past but branches out into a creative mixture that is unique and dynamic. Audiences identify with this warm and vibrant duo, whose songs reflect the aspirations and triumphs of everyday life. Chris and Daya draw from a diverse background of personal experience and musical style to choose the blend of material that they perform. The Doolins met as street musicians in Philadelphia, where they performed as part of an acoustic funk act. They incorporate folk music, country music, Americana and other styes to have developed a unique contemporary acoustic/pop sound.

    Reviews and Accolades
    Smile America CD Produced and Recorded by Grammy Award-Winning Recording Engineer and Producer, Maurice Starr and Padaran Publications. Smile America Book, written by Chris & Daya Devi-Doolin (2010), Padaran Publications. Tomorrow Is Now CD, Level Seven CD, Padaran Productions to be released at worldwide release party May 21, 2011.

    Sides of Love, Abraham’s Seed (1981) Good Company Productions. Video and Film Scores The Macy Chronicles- Presentation to State of Florida (1990) Bill Mee Productions. You Are The Light- Music Video (1989) Padaran Productions. Awards and Nominations Finalists- Best Duo and Best Song- Songwriter’s Showcase of America- 2004. 1st Place Award- Best Original Song- Celebrity Awards Showcase- 1982 Finalists- Best Duo (Massachusetts Country Music Association) – 1981-83

    Here are some brief reviews about aka Level Seven's music: "...they, aka Level Seven, possess captivating harmonies. A kind of blissful gentleness permeates their material, yet it is never cloying". Steve Morse, Boston Globe

    "...theirs is a winning performance. Her voice is a warm gravely alto, his a soft tenor." Thomas Duffy, Orlando Sentinel

    "You Have an Interesting Sound! I would love to feature the music on Songbird Radio. You are the Best." Programming Director, Acoustic Songbird Radio.

    "Your soothing, healing music will continue to bless... I have been waiting for the opportunity to order your CD! Thank you Chris and Daya for making your music" James Allen Gravitt, CA.

    "I'd like to order 5 more copies! I have been listening to your CD for hours...I love every single song! I also need to order 5 more of them for Christmas!" -Bonnie; Marlborough, MA

    "Good Work Chris & Daya! …two creative and innovative souls have joined forces to demonstrate their musical talents….!" Rev. Thomas Gordy, Sanford, FL

    "How wonderful to be so talented! …B. & I are hoping to catch your next live performance!" M & B. Bivens of Florida

    "Heartfelt, poignant, and inspiring songs. Honest, down to earth, and inspiring/"… Joy Katzen-Guthrie, Songwriter

    "Soothing, beautiful melodies, soulful, inspiring lyrics…Very upbeat, and soothing to the soul…". D.F. FL

    "YOU are GREAT!" Bryan Haynes - Florida Entertainment Network