Artists Registry

Nada Velivkovic

shrewsbury United Kingdom



    1991-1994 B.A. Hons degree in Fine Art, Falmouth University, Cornwall
    1990-1991 Foundation Diploma in Art & Design, Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology

    Professional Experience
    2007- present Art Panel Member of SADDA (Shrewsbury & District Arts Association)
    2003 Artist in residence, Whitehall Mansion House, Shrewsbury

    2010 Gateway Gallery3, at Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury
    2010 Postcards exhibition, Gateway Gallery3, Shrewsbury
2010 Paper Landscapes, Solo show, Gateway Gallery3, Shrewsbury
2003 Art in the Environment trail, Shrewsbury
2003 Charles Darwin Centre, Shrewsbury
    2002 Series of seven paintings, Marks & Spencer’s, Shrewsbury
    2002 Solo show, Gateway Arts cafe, Shrewsbury 
2001 Bridgnorth library
2000 English Bridge Workshop, Shrewsbury
    1994 Fresh Art, London 

    I am a Shropshire based artist and have lived in this area all my life.
    My work is based on Shropshire’s landscape and the reactions I see
    occurring when different materials and elements are merging together.

I interpret these reactions by looking at the structures of the different materials i.e. leaves, straw, grass and create movement across the surface of the canvas with pattern.
    It is my intention to leave perspective behind and treat the canvas in an ordered and methodical manner by knitting together shapes to create a visual structure so I can give the finished painting a rhythmical sensation with rich colour and a fabric like texture.

    I use a series of methods; cut paper shapes or layers of paint building to achieve the texture and richness i require. i also see this process as bridging the gap between the visual experience and the physical task of painting.