Artists Registry

Jessica Freund

De Pere WI United States

    Statement of Work

    I created the concept for this piece because of my strong interest in both the 911 and Titanic disasters. They are similar in that in both tragedies, many people lost their lives. In fact, more people lost their lives in 911 than on the Titanic. No one expected for either even to occur, and they will in all likelihood be remembered forever. One difference is that 911 was caused intentionally, but it is also true that the Titanic sinking was the result of careless piloting and excessive pride. Both events could perhaps have been avoided. Both events led to permanent changes in the way we see ourselves, technology, and our country.


    I am a young conceptual artist with many interests. These include the visual arts as well as the performance arts and music. Outside of the artistic world, I enjoy working with children and hope to be a teacher's aide.