Artists Registry

Patricia Davis

Mancos CO United States

    Statement of Work

    After 9/11, I was moved by the stories of the rescue dogs, and the work that they did at ground zero. Picture after picture sent over the web showed dogs and their handlers scrambling tirelessly amidst the rubble looking for survivors. Later, after the U.S. had gone to war with Iraq, I was struck again by an NPR story on the number of animals we employ in our wars. This was the original inspiration for this monument to Search and Rescue dogs. It is intended to be a tribute; the dog having an expression of a “find” on his face. The title “Semper Fi” seemed fitting in light of the overtones of war. I know of no soul more faithful than that of a dog.
    The structure that the Shepherd is balanced on began as the girders of a collapsed entryway. As I was working one evening, I noticed the cast shadows from the sculpture across the wall. It was three crosses. The “coincidence” of this and the implied symbolism of the crosses became the emotional center of this piece. The girders in the sculpture represent this ancient practice of crucifixion (far preceding Christianity) which reflects the darker side of mankind, in contrast to the faithful and pure nature of the animals we employ.
    Whether our need for their assistance is brought upon us by ourselves, or acts of nature, our rescue dogs are truly “Semper Fi”.


    Recent Exhibitions Include:
    • American Women Artist, Dallas TX (2010)
    Leonard J. Mieselman Memorial Award
    “Best Realistic Sculpture in a classic style”
    • Society Of Animal Artists 50th Anniversary Exhibition
    Leonard J. Mieselman Memorial Award
    “Best realistic sculpture in a classic style”
    • Paws and Reflect; Art of Canines
    • American Women Artist, Scottsdale (2007-2008)
    “Not Very Hairy” awarded First Runner Up in sculpture
    • Society of Animal Artist 47th Annual (2007)
    • The National Museum of Western Art, Kerrville TX
    • The Museum of the Horse Lexington KY. (2003)
    • Masters of the Hunt, Cross Gate Gallery (Traveling)

    Exhibited in 10 Museums across the country from 2007-2010
    “PAWS AND REFLECT: ART OF CANINES is a traveling museum exhibition intended to recognize and promote excellence in art, and heighten public attention and awareness about the family Canidae. Artworks by thirty artists are included in the exhibition. Most artists are represented by two or three works to demonstrate her/his versatility and range of artistic treatment. David J. Wagner, Ph.D., Curator/Tour Director
    The Bark Magazine, January/February 2009, lists “Paws & Reflect: Art of Canines” among the top ten exhibitions not to be missed in 2009.”