Artists Registry

Anthony Graviano

NY NY United States

    Statement of Work

    When terrorism struck and many in the affected area of ground zero
    abandoned their homes and businesses, artist Anthony Graviano
    remained in his studio. On September 11, and for months thereafter,
    he went down to the ground zero site by day and painted by night.
    In bold strokes and vivid color, he drew directly from his experience of the aftermath.

    Graviano sought out images of objects that, at once familiar and unreal,
    had somehow survived. His focus on what endured the tragedy initially
    materialized on a subconscious level. He later realized, with fervent hope
    resonating the affected area, he could not have focused on anything else.
    “I scoured the wreckage for representations of the human spirit,
    which despite extreme destruction was resilient, as it not only could
    survive but would.” He painted structures sculptured by fire, some taken from
    photographs, others imprinted in his mind deeply beyond their life on canvas.

    As Anthony worked in his ground floor studio just above Canal Street, he left
    his doors open, as he generally does. Passersby peaked in on the artist and,
    at such a sensitive time, many expressed their feelings. While some screamed
    that he should burn in hell for making these paintings, others cried stating his
    work speaks everything they could not put into words.


    Anthony Graviano
    ph: 917.670.0065

    Yonkers, New York 1968
    Lives and works in New York City

    SUNY College at Purchase, Purchase N.Y., B.F.A. 1990
    New York Studio School, 1989

    Selected Exhibitions

    Site Projects, Crashing Chelsea, New York, N. Y., 2008

    Emergency arts, 551 w 21 st , New York, N. Y., May 2006

    Ground Zero; Artfirm Project Gallery New York, N.Y., May 2002

    Playground of the Fearless, (in cooperation with Dietch Projects New York), Entropy, New York, NY, 2001

    Kama Sutra, Embraces, New York, N.Y., 2001

    Ne’er Do Wells, DNA Studios, New York, N.Y., 2000

    The Grant Gallery, New York, N.Y., 2000

    Ragnorack, New York, N.Y., 1999

    Absolut Secret, Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, England, 1999

    Artists Space, Night Of a Thousand Drawings, New York, N.Y.,1998

    TMX Fine Arts, The Viewing Room, New York, N.Y.,1998

    Absolut Secret, Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, England, 1997

    The Cursio Gallery, New York, N.Y., 1996


    The Lardner Report, Twin Towers: The Artists View, Lonnie Lardner, September,12, 2011

    ARD, German News, Live Today, Live interview One Year Later, 2002

    Chris Chambers, Summer Picks, New York Arts Magazine, 2002

    Merenzon, Eli, Artists of New York, Anthony Graviano, New Russian Word, 2001

    Schmerler, Sarah, The Art of The Dealer, Time Out, 1999