Artists Registry

Jackelynn Robles

Jersey City NJ United States

    Statement of Work

    Sharing these images is a way of celebrating the lives & memories of those lost.
    One thing that has stayed with me since 9/11 is the feeling of being truly connected. I try to live with the spirit I witnessed on that day.
    My husband & I were both working in NYC on 9/11 and could not get back to Jersey.
    We walked along the West Side Highway from 30th street to a friends apartment on 163rd in disbelief like everyone else that had just realized what had happened.
    What struck me was how strangers shared water, food, and simply reached out to one another. There was a spirit of Love & Caring that resonated in the city. Say what they will New Yorkers are compassionate & will bond together when confronted with tragedy....beautifully human.