Artists Registry

Michael Petroni

Redondo Beach CA United States


    M R P G R A P H I C S

    211 S. Juanita Ave. #B
    Redondo Beach, CA 90277
    310.741.7071 (Voice)
    310.543.5242 (Fax)

    S P E C I A L T I E S
    I have 29 years of diverse graphic design, proposal art management, business development, and fine arts experience and have served as graphics lead on a wide variety of major proposals. I support high-value, must-win capture efforts by helping the client formulate compelling graphics and visuals in written and oral proposals. I work directly with the capture manager, proposal manager, volume leaders, principal authors, and technical contributors to understand the client’s win themes and transform verbal communications into visual images that convey important messages in a clear and concise manner. Working against strict deadlines, I collaborate with the engineering staff and proposal operations in developing key architecture, overview, and design graphics for proposals. I analyze RFP requirements and develop graphics, layout, and typography specifications that implement a common “look and feel” for all proposal-related products. One of my principal strengths is my ability to work directly with engineers, scientists, and proposal operations professionals to turn ideas and concepts into graphics that communicate effectively. My fine arts background is complemented by highly developed computer skills, and I am an effective team player and mentor.

    B I O G R A P H Y
    2005-Present, Independent Consultant: Independent consultant to major aerospace and defense firms in the area of graphics design, particularly for major high-value written and oral proposals. I work hands-on as a member of the client’s proposal team. I have played a major role in many clients’ winning proposals that have been offered to a diverse group of government agencies, including the United States Air Force, Coast Guard, Army, Ballistic Missile Defense Agency, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration, Bureau of the Census, Department of Homeland Security, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Over the past 15 years, I have supported numerous competitive oral proposals, assisting the presenters in the development and preparation of high-quality visual aids.

    1982-2005, TRW and Northrop Grumman Corporation: In my 23 years with TRW/Northrop Grumman, my responsibilities steadily increased and I was promoted into department management positions. Preferring hands-on assignments on major proposals, I spent the last 12 years of my tenure with the company working as the Graphics Lead on the company’s largest and most critical proposals. I routinely interacted with company executives and capture managers responsible for multi-billion-dollar new business campaigns.