Artists Registry

Robin Lisi

Toronto Canada

    Statement of Work

    What struck me was the non-denominational tone of the image I was inspired to paint. For me it represented over 80 countries, all religions and the many peoples of the world who where tragically and innocently sacrificed on that day.

    I also love this painting because of the spirit of its healing energy and dichotomy - innocence/horror. When this image spontaneously "popped" into my mind one day after 911, I knew it was heaven sent, because I felt an immediate sense of relief from the raw negative emotion that was triggered in me constantly because of media outlet images of that tragic day. Prior to THE HEALING TOWERS, I could not get rid of the intrusive images that depicted the end of one of the most special lives I have ever known; the life of Robert Anthony Vicario. He left a 4 month old baby girl, the love of his life, Jill, and a mother-in-law, Nora who said the sun rose and fell on this young man. It was true because there was something special about “Bobby.” It was on the lips of all those who gathered in memoriam to honor a life cut tragically short on 911; a man who was cherished by his family and by his many friends.

    The painting's title, "THE HEALING TOWERS" and its association to water is important too. After my exposure to Dr. Emoto's "The Hidden Messages In Water," work and how the physiological expression of water is affected by words, I prayed and hoped that the images of water and the words that portray, "THE HEALING TOWERS" are able to transform the viewer's experience of 911 (even to a small degree) so that healing is spontaneous and everlasting.

    Before I began painting the picture I was particularly interested in maintaining several important criteria, so I did a lot of research into each of the colors I wanted to use including a refresher course in color theory and the process of mixing colors. I spent hours mixing my oil paint to get the desired effect. I paid particular attention to the blue of the sky on that day – I’ll never forget how clear and beautiful it was. A red properly depicting the intense anger I felt because a good friend of mine and so many others had so senselessly lost their lives was also vital to the overall composition. The blue waves downward are all the tears of those who were trapped in and outside the buildings and who were deliberately forced into a hideous and tragic club that day; those who died and those who lost a loved one.

    The importance of the image culminates in the movement downward, but cascades downward in varying degrees which serves to reflect the diversity of all those tears. A global representation of all the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, daughters, sons, wives, husbands and beloved friends; so much loss and so many tears. The large single teardrop reflects the tears we new “club” members shed for our individual loved ones lost that day; in our case it reflects the tears and grief associated with our loss of Bobby.

    I was motivated to paint and share THE HEALING TOWERS so that I could help others who were struggling with the same feelings that I had following 911. All of those intense feelings flow right into the strong and ample hands of a greater power. I call it God, but others might call it something else. The image serves to remind us no one was alone that day; including our beloved Bobby.

    Over time we all realized that this was obviously a much bigger problem than any of us ever could have dreamed or imagined. Who thinks up such depraved ideologies and then follows through on those ideas? This was all new to me and I realized that all innocence was lost in our civilized world following 911. As a believer in the cause and effect of the universe, I was also obligated like so many others to investigate the cause of this painful event in history; the one that stole the life of my beautiful friend. When I was left without answers, I relied on this image for my deliverance from the special “club” hell I now found myself in. I truly felt as though THE HEALING TOWERS may be the answer to a mighty prayer echoed by all the lives touched by 911.

    Inspiration and healing also comes from the "let go and let God (for a while)" philosophy, because the image provided me with the much needed relief from the unspeakable helpless sorrow I felt. To extrapolate even further in a meaningful way; Through God’s help and willingness to carry our sorrows and burdens for us we have been able to navigate through the unchartered waters of 911; and we have now survived the first 10 years!

    The original "practice" painting is 30” x 30” oil on canvas with lighting strategically placed below the work in order to highlight the water cascading into the hands of God. In its final version I originally imagined a much larger rendition – perhaps a 4’ x 4’ or 6’ x 6’ size painting. I would be happy to provide a much larger work of art if it is decided it would be of value in helping others who are able to view it with greater prominence at this sacred site.


    Robin still remembers the bold statement made at the young age of 3 that would solidify future destiny forever, “I want to be an artist when I grow up!”

    After graduating from a 4 year vocational art program, Robin studied briefly at the Ontario College of Art in Toronto, Canada before joining the corporate world to “make a living.” Since then Robin has enjoyed an extremely rewarding and diversified career that lead to a senior management position at one of Canada’s leading Banks.

    Robin is all grown up now and has returned to art through the development of a unique artistic expression called “JOURNALart.” Robin specializes in Contemporary Fine Art and Photography Storytelling™ using various mediums including oils, coloured pencils, photography and “whatever I find lying around.”

    Current collections weave an amazing journey of self discovery and personal triumph. Robin is relieved that while recovering from a debilitating illness, time spent painting, drawing and taking photographs was time well spent and graciously donates this art for the support of all those touched by the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 and in memoriam of a beautiful friend; Robert Anthony Vicario.