Artists Registry

Earl Clark

Edmonds WA United States


    My name is Earl Boyce Clark and our family resides in Edmonds Washington.
    Our family, including my wife Charlotte, our son Dennis and myself visited New York City in September 1984. As tourists we visited the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, the United Nations Building and took the ferry to view the Statue of Liberty.On the way my son Dennis took the photo of the magnificent Twin Towers at the World Trade Center. Who knew that 17 years later that the Twin Towers would be destroyed by fanatical terrorists and nearly 3,000 Americans would perish. This photo will forever be etched in my mind and heart.
    God bless all who were lost on that fateful date, the 11th of September 2001, including family members and survivors. The poem, "We Must Never Forget". is dedicated to not only those whose lives were lost, but to all freedom loving people.