Artists Registry

James Shaffer

Petersfield United Kingdom

    Statement of Work

    I lived in Nyack, NY in the late 60's and throughout the 1970's. On one of my many excursions to New York City, I took these pictures of the World Trade Center towers. I was interested in the juxtapostion of the two towers, their height and the apparent perspective of parallel lines meeting in the distance. I shot these pictures on Tri-X film and enlarged and exposed them on to Kodalith Ortho Type 3 film, a high contrast graphic arts film, that eliminated any gray tones and left only the stark black and white image. I felt the graphic image emphasized the achitectural statement.

    These twin towers were a prized and unique landmark to New York City and to the world. In the present, they have become even more so as a monument to those we remember, to those we shall never forget, as their lives too, like these towers, soared heavenward.