Artists Registry

Gary Schwartz

Hudson IL United States

    Statement of Work

    This is a poster designed to inform the Illinois Wesleyan University community of a "Day of Remembrance" service held on September 11, 2011. Having worked here ten years ago, I remember the candlelight vigils held to remember the lives lost during the attacks of 2001. I wanted to combine that image and the skyline of New York City to illustrate that emotion. To show a symbol of remembrance and honor that was as large as the heart of New York. Large enough to try and fill the void of the loss with reverence and beauty. The lights of the New York skyline are always impressive, but this is a different skyline to mark the tenth anniversary of such a life-changing event. The colors reflect a stark contrast with the dark of night and and the light of a new dawn. This was designed to convey a feeling of remembrance and survival. To show our reflective nature to honor the victims and the strength to move forward.


    I have a BS in Art from Illinois State University (1983) with an emphasis in graphic design / illustration. I have worked as a designer in freelance, in-house design, and advertising agency work for over 25 years. I have been a graphic designer and graphics editor of the Illinois Wesleyan University Magazine since 1992. I have been an illustrator (both traditional and digital) and designer for projects in all areas of the university. I also created the look for the current IWU website as well as many of the site graphics. I have also designed over 75 theatrical stage sets as well as painting over a dozen backdrop murals for community and professional performance groups.