Artists Registry

Lana Sokolov

White Plains NY United States

    Statement of Work

    9/11 it so important Day for me cause of meaning that Darkness and Evil sometimes may win.
    And it will be just horrible if you're not will be able to fight with Devil by mean of Light.
    But I believe in Goodness and Power of our Humanity and that together will light a candles of Grace, good Intention and Wise Power.
    Because the Mission of our generation to leave inheritance to our children.
    I think that music is like a healing and giving the Light and Hope for us to continue this way....
    Love is G-d, G-d is Love!


    Lana Sokolov is a vocalist, choir conductor, composer, arranger and performer,vigorously active on the music scenes of Israel, Russia
    and the US for the last 17 years.
    Classically trained with M.A in music from Tashkent Conservatory,
    following with extensive involvement in the world-music and jazz industries, Lana Sokolov has promoted musical career:from singing, writing and performing musicals such as the project “Folktales”
    to recording vocals for soundtracks for Universal Studios in the US.
    Ms Sokolov Marked special achievements such as winning the “Original English Song” contest (Jerusalem,Israel).
    Ms Sokolov has also earned credentials as an educator and choir conductor,
    managing, arranging and accompanying the “Ben-Semen” and “Shfaim” (Israel)
    choirs, leading them to outstanding accomplishments. Also she had done the
    honorable work of teaching music therapy in the school “Maalot” (Ashdod, Israel)for children with mental disabilities.
    After the unfortunate murder of her husband in the Soviet-Union in 1990
    Ms Sokolov has moved to Israel and has been raising her daughter Faustina who
    is an award-winning singer by her own right, now studying at prestigious “Berklee College of Muisc” (Boston, USA).
    Ms Sokolov’s debut CD “Jewish Love Songs” has been her last creation,
    inspired by Jewish texts