Artists Registry

Kat Reinhard

Penhook VA United States

    Statement of Work

    As the tragic events unfolded September 11, 2001, the world looked on as the media kept us updated as we watched in horror. While viewing heart wrenching photos posted on the "New York Daily News" website, I found myself going back to one specific photo. It was a photo of a fatigued firefighter at "Ground Zero" posted by photographer DebraRothenberg. It was the look in his eyes that reflected the overall devastation, as I thought, oh what his eyes must have seen.

    After a few days of searching for more information , I began channeling my nervous energies on paper. This firefighter became the subject of the pencil drawing, with a background of reflecting images that had haunted me. I signed and dated it: "9/11/01", the day I will never forget, and titled it: "Oh what his eyes must have seen...".

    The following week I brought this 23"x18" art piece to my workplace and tacked it up on my wall. With such kind words and interest by several, 50 original size copies were made and decided to give these in exchange for donations to be collected for the families of the victims. With the generosity of the Uttermost Company, 50 more copies were matted and framed. These were to be displayed in local businesses, where the community could make their donations and obtain a copy of the drawing. A smaller, easier to handle 8-1/2"x11" size copies were also made. With such an overwhelming response, an account was then set up for the "NY Daily News Families Fund".

    After this "mission of giving" had begun, I learned that my second cousin, Peter A. Siracuse, also had perished in the World Trade Center collapse.This gave me and others a second direction for collected donations. (Please visit the:

    I was also on a personal kind of mission...the search for the firefighter who is the subject in my drawing. If and when I found him, I would present him with the original drawing. Several letters and prints were sent to NY fire fighters asking for their assistance.

    During the first year, a total of 2550 prints were made and thousands of dollars were collected. I received countless emails, notes and letters that humbled me, as I read personal stories and what this drawing meant to so many people.

    Then after a 15-month search, I found this firefighter in another photo in the LIFE book, "Faces of Ground Zero" by Joe McNally. This is where I finally got a clue "R3" was on his gloves and captioned: Mike Morrissey - Rescue 3, FDNY. If this wasn't fate, "R3" was also my husband Ray's racecar number!

    After contacting Mike, and sending him the local newspapers following the story behind the print, we finally met in December 2002. My family and I visited NY in May of 2003 where Mike took us on a memorable and emotional tour which included stops at "Rescue Co. 3 Harlem-Bronx" and also to "Ground Zero". As newly founded friends, we continue to stay in touch as our paths have crossed in this journey of life.

    As my story is one of the few heart-warming stories that arose from 9/11/01, the trauma of that day still stays close to my heart.

    Kat Reinhard