Artists Registry

Claire Griffin

Franklin MA United States

    Statement of Work

    First I would like to offer my thanks for your extraordinary efforts in gathering together the memories, thoughts, dreams, fears, hopes and spirit of our collective American lives since that horrible day in September ten years ago. I'm sure I speak for so many millions who have watched the years pass and wonder if we will ever recover from the pain of September 11th. Whenever the anniversary of this day comes around, no matter how many years pass, the experience still feels like just yesterday.

    Following the events in NewYork, Washington D.C. and Shanksville, I couldn't help but think of the thousands who lost their lives. I was astounded to find that everyone I met that day knew of someone who was directly affected. My husband called from office 31 stories above Boston to tell me one of his co-workers, John Jenkins, was on the fateful Flight 11. I spoke to folks who knew of friends, family, relatives, neighbors. I thought of the firefighters, emt's, police and many anonymous heroes who gave so much without any thought of themselves. Yes, we were all connected through the horror of that day.

    In the days after September 11th, I found myself trying to express my emotions. I couldn't help feeling incredible pride for those unsung first responders and innocent victims and felt I needed to honor them in a visual and verbal way. I also had two small daughters with questions about what happened to the giant twin skyscrapers they danced in front of on a visit years before. I wanted them to understand that even though the towers of the World Trade Center had fallen, the essence of America as a nation would still stand tall. As a letter artist and graphic designer I tend to express myself through words as pictures. I chose fifty values to represent the visual because of the hope and positivity that these words inspire to me.

    Please accept this image. I have made it a point to share it on every anniversary since 2001and truly believe in its message of hope in an ever uncertain world. I hope you feel the same way.

    Again, thank you so much for giving the citizens of NYC, the USA and the world a place to honor those we lost. Let us remember not only what it means to be American, but also a citizen of one inter-connected planet.