Artists Registry

Cathy Booth

Tavares FL United States

    Statement of Work

    Hi, my name is Cathy Booth and I believe…. “A TRUE AMERICAN" is someone who doesn’t let Greed overtake their Judgment, Morals & Kind Heart, they will always help others in their time of need through charity or with a helping hand & caring heart at home & abroad regardless of one’s color, their creed or their nationality promoting Respect, Dignity, Friendship & Peace for ALL HUMANITY.”

    I have been writing poetry all throughout my life as inspired by the loving relationship of my parents, my brother, my sisters and the true love of my life, my husband, our precious children, family members, friends and my love for nature, animals, children and touching moments we all share together &
    I will cherish always.

    I hold “All Those Who Serve” dear to my Heart and I am honored to have the opportunity to give back to them with a portion of the proceeds from my poetry on items such as Totes, T-shirts etc. through

    May “All Those Who Serve” Never be FORGOTTEN!
    Thanks for Your SUPPORT! Together We Can Make a Diffence!

    From the Heart of an Author/Poet
    Cathy Booth


    From The Heart of an Author/Poet…
    “Remember” Those Who Serve
    Hi, my name is Cathy Booth and I believe…. “A TRUE AMERICAN" is someone who doesn’t let Greed overtake their Judgment, Morals & Kind Heart, they will always help others in their time of need through charity or with a helping hand & caring heart at home & abroad regardless of one’s color, their creed or their nationality promoting Respect, Dignity, Friendship & Peace for ALL HUMANITY.”

    This is why I am committing a portion of the proceeds from all my children’s books, my books of poetry and some other select items to go to help others, such as our Veterans, Families in need, Pets & Wildlife also some charities to help find a cure for diseases that affect us all like Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Cancer and others.

    It has been my life-long dream to give back to All Those Who Serve, our Veterans, our Military & their Families. I come from a family of many who have served including our son who has been to Iraq twice. Those who serve, loved ones, and family values are especially dear to my heart. My love for nature, wildlife & children has given my poetry a wide variety of subject matter. From the changing of seasons, to Inspirational and Family oriented poems. Poems for special occasions such as our little boy, our little girl, graduation & weddings were inspired by our children and their accomplishments in life. Many of my poems were inspired about friendship and those who have touched our lives. My love poems I wrote for my true love my husband. I am still writing poetry as life still inspires me. I strive to write all of my poems so others can relate to them. I have done special orders for many.

    I make all of my poems available for all such as: Our Little Boy as My Little Boy, Mother of a Soldier-for Son or Daughter also as My Soldier-for Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunt etc. They are also available with any title such as Grandma-Nana, Granny etc. I put photos with my poems taken by myself, family members & friends. I reserve the copyrights to all my poems & photos.

    Many of my poems have been in print in newspapers & magazines including the Dixie Biker Magazine. Some are displayed in several local Restaurants, Schools, Fire Stations, Police Stations, Veteran’s Halls and Doctor’s Offices & the Gator Harley Dealership of Leesburg, Florida.

    I have had the honor of reciting my poems “Mother of a Soldier” & “Veterans” at several Memorial Day & Veteran’s Day Services. We held a Benefit on November 11, 2010 at Ruby Street Grille in Tavares, FL, where we raised $760.00 that went to the American Legion Auxiliary Post 76 of Tavares, Florida to help our veterans and their families.

    I have letters of thanks for poems I wrote and sent to President Barack Obama, New York, Mayor Michael Bloomberg & Prince Harry.

    My Family and I are originally from Long Island, New York we moved to Florida in 1985. New York & our Fallen Heroes will always be dear to my Heart. We have several Firefighters & Police in our family also. It is a true honor to have my poems in the New York National 9/11 Memorial Museum.
    My poems “Our Heroes” and “The Twin Towers” I wrote after 911. Our children have been in the World Trade Center with us. These two poems are in many Fire Stations and Police Stations in Florida. I have also sent them to the New York City Fire Departments that were directly Involved in the 911 disaster, where so many of “Our Heroes” have fallen.

    With the encouragement of many, My Commitment and with YOUR HELP as you purchase select items with my poems on them such as totes, t-shirts etc. @ I will donate a portion of the proceeds to help “All Those Who Serve!” May They NEVER be Forgotten!

    Cathy Booth
    © 2004 Poems & Photos © ALL COPYRIGHTS RESERVED