Artists Registry

William Templeton

Scottsdale AZ United States

    Statement of Work

    I felt this painting would be an inspirational piece that could provide comfort and positive reassurance to the survivors and their families after the catastrophe of 9/11. I did everything in my power to represent how I felt personally about our countries darkest day. The eagle is protecting the Statue of Liberty. Her (Statue of Liberty’s) plaque has the date of the disaster and the white dove above represents the Holy Spirit. The shadow at the base of the composition represents the people and the cross left behind. The flag represents our strength, freedom, and power as a Nation to overcome. The six fighter jets in formation represent protection and our valor as a country. ~William T. Templeton


    William Tremblett Templeton was born in Lake Forest, Illinois and spent the first part of his life living on the North Shore of Chicago. A loving family, a very happy childhood and an excellent education all contributed to his good fortune. A keen eye will discover hearts, happiness and other positive subliminal messages throughout his work. As a child, William would creatively draw, paint, and sculpt. His vivid imagination led him to design intricate collages with disassembled clocks and typewriters etc.

    Although William has been creating since childhood, he feels fortunate to have been formally trained at New Trier East High School in Winnetka, Illinois. The artist went on to further his education at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. He graduated from the U of A with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree with emphasis in both Fine Art and Graphic Design. He has exhibited his eclectic artwork throughout the Southwest and Southern California.

    Bright, bold color and vitality carry through each piece he does, but his paintings cover a wide spectrum; both in subject matter and locale. His vast travels have led him to Mexico, Jamaica and the Caribbean Islands and themes revolving around life in these areas infiltrate his work. His many cultural experiences clearly influenced the young artist's colorful style. The beauty of Nature, spontaneity of feelings, ideas and subject matter are prevalent not only in his art but also in his world. Strong composition, fine detail and vibrant color are all characteristics in his unique paintings. He is proficient in most of the mediums, but prefers the challenge of oil and watercolor. William's pristine style can be attributed to his self-education experiences, inherent talent, academic accomplishments and his inspirational lifestyle.

    His passion for his talent, his innate sense of humor and his love for his family and friends are the Heart and Soul of every brushstroke. Templeton currently makes his home in the desert southwest.