Artists Registry

Yelena Giamber

sweet valley PA United States

    Statement of Work


    I'm a professional journalist with Russian language and I wrote this story for the 9/11 Memorial. My story was published in Russian Medias and Russian readers loved it. Now I have my story in English edition. And I would like to share it with American audience. I hope they will love my story as Russians did. Here I'll write just synopsis.The whole story is by 7,422 characters with spaces.

    Actually this real documentary story can be a perfect base for the charming movie about Love, Life, Respect, Happiness, Caring about children and parents and about the fight with terror. Hollywood did not show us such a nice movie a long time.

    Love Story. 9/11
    Synopsis: He is American, She is Russian but, she lives in Muslim country. They met each other only this spring on the coast of one of Europe 's beaches. They are not young. Behind them a lot of life's experience, many some stuff, both of them have children, past and memories. Well... It was so nice to both of them to spend one or two weeks together in some beautiful European country close to the beach, especially there where She could enter with the Schengen visa. At this time of their week dating, He comes back to America in early September. He was not sleep at this flying, He was thinking about his life and about her. The fact that someday He will take away this gorgeous woman from this wild country and He will show her a different life in his beautiful America , which is actually she deserves. Someday. But, not now.

    When 9/11 attack was happened both of them understood immediately how much sensitive our world is. He came back to her country in October 2001 and they married. Their marriage is the same age as 9/11. And this is my greeting to them in their first ten year wedding anniversary.

    Thank you for your visit,
    Yelena Giamber


    Yelena Giamber is a journalist, professional teacher, children's books author and creator of the Internet Children's Projects which named HeyTam and HeyTamEnglishEdition. She was born and educated in Russia. Now she lives in the USA and writes as a freelance journalist for several of magazines and newspapers ("Prostokvashino" - children's magazine, Moscow, Russia; "Russian Parents" New York, USA; "The Health Magazine- Zdorovie" Philadelphia, USA; "V Novom Svete" New York, USA, "Russian-American magazine Seagull" Owings Mills, USA, "Kontinent" Chicago, USA and other.) She has created her own program - series of classes called Magic Cookery, which is based on her books by the same name. The program Magic Cookery includes classes incorporating story time, imagination, and fine motor skills. Each class ends with edible cookies that the children can bring home. Magic Cookery books and program help children to improve their self importance in the family. Mrs. Giamber worked many years with preschoolers and was always willing to go above and beyond her responsibilities as a teacher. She taught children to look at their small troubles with humor. She wrote her special poem's book for that - "Small Troubles". The original class of preschoolers is now adult but they remember their teacher and read her books and stories to their children. Mrs. Giamber has created her YouTube channel "HeyТам" to educate and entertain American and Russian children of all ages. She dreams that someday children of two hugest and powerful countries in the world will be the real friends