Artists Registry

Bill Hahn

Rochledge FL United States

    Statement of Work

    In the Dawn

    The dawn of 9/11
    There’s no calm to ease our fear
    Just the taste of the bitter waste
    In the smoke that never clears

    In the dawn of 9/11
    A crime that was so cruel
    An act of hate that spared no race
    Seen live on the morning news

    America’s under attack
    For who and what we are
    America’s fighting back
    Her spirit flies in her stars
    America’s heart is bleeding
    In red, white and blue
    America’s flag is still flying
    A symbol of all that’s true

    In the dawn of 9/11
    In a cloud of soot and ash
    We’ll share our faith we’ll step up to the plate
    In the wake of the aftermath ...

    Lies the fate the first stone cast.


    Lucky to be alive !
    This Feeling I Feel Inside ... is You !

    My tribute to my donor family. Thanks for the second chance at life so many people around the world only get one.